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Summer 2020


I type this overlooking rubbish from across the alley. The streets of Austin are deserted, yet, among the usual curiosities, these overflowing bins were leaking masks and yellowed copies of The Daily Texan. Even this traditionally gun-touting, rules-flouting state has been cowed into quiet solitude. Over the past decade, American foreign policy experts have spent more time strategising nuclear war (and according to one intelligence source, a Brady-less Super Bowl) than a probable pandemic in a post-SARS world. Global government responses are faltering—clapping for health workers has replaced necessary government expenditure and melodramatic flyovers have distracted from meaningful healthcare support...


Anti-Asian Hate Crime in the Shadow of "Blame China"

Zelda Solomon


The Trolley Problem of COVID Leadership

Mani Seeber


Will COVID-19 Strenghten Multilateralism?

Christoffer Nielsen


America's Plant-Based Problem

Sebastian Godoy

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Dealing with Disease Through Art

Gabrielle Showalter


The Fallacy of Fairness

Honor McGrigor


Take a Trip Far Far Away

Samuel Shepherd


The Unreliable Foundations of the UK's COVID App

Alice Johnson

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Developing Themes

Under COVID-19

Eammon Gumley

also, read

and about

if you're hungry

for some perspective

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